Warner Robins teen starts vending machine business | 13wmaz.com

2022-09-10 01:14:56 By : Mr. Robin Yijiu Machinery

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WARNER ROBINS, Ga. — One Warner Robins teen has found a way to make big bucks while keeping up with her education.

16-year-old Alanna Bennett is cashing in with her own vending machine in the very school she attends, so if she wants to, she can check on her income while keeping her head in her books.

"Sometimes you forget deodorant lotion or maybe you just forget a pencil in class. I though what better thing is to have a vending machine with everything you need," Bennett said.

After realizing some students needed a way to get supplies at school, the Warner Robins High School student realized she could help out her school community and make some extra cash.

"We thought about an idea for her to create a vending machine so she can create residual income for herself instead of being at a location everyday during the week and she just doesn't have the time," her mom Demetria Bennet said.

So, Bennett created a business plan. She also surveyed students around school to see what they found themselves needing most. Then, she just needed the OK from the principal. 

"She had a great business plan. Part of us as educators is to believe in our students and I just thought it was a great idea," Principal Chris McCook said.

An idea that also helps out her classmates.

"As class president my freshman and sophomore year I speak for my peers and I want to make sure we are taken care of," Bennet said.

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